Kat directs Norma and Chris. Norma represents the Thatcher years and it's Rich (Chris) mother
Rich and Woman have a moment of stress.
An injured Rich pleads with Woman in a pivotal scene about the nature of debt
Rich storms out of the kitchen
Larry (Greg) prepares for a confrontation
Larry and Woman
Angie (Germany) and Woman reveal home truths.
Hank is the epitome of capitalism
Sweden observes and documents but stays neutral
Hank messes with Carla the Makeup Dept
Homer (hostage in Greek) watches on
One of the extras for a large scene at the end
The cast sits outside preparing
A scene towards the end, a metaphorical explosion
Close up of the explosion
Waiting for their shot
Adam, god of all money appears
Adam and Rich confer.
One of the children prepares for her scene
Refugees preparing
Refugees storm the apartment
Homers metaphorical protest (Actual Nikos just messing around)
Rich observes the emergency lighting in the apartment.